We understand that these topics cannot be mastered during the first year or two of instruction, but all are essential to what we consider a solid foundation in chess. The curricula at the top of our list are those which cover the basics: not only the rules, but tactics, key principles of openings, middle games, and endgames, and common checkmates.

As a result, we discuss those resources first.
In our experience, most students who are starting out progress more quickly, and enjoy it more, when they learn through interactive computer-based media: either software or programs online. We do so in part because our experience is that coaches of more advanced players tend to have favorite material of their own, tailor their coaching to the specific needs of their students, or rely primarily on game reviews. Our initial focus is primarily on curricula aimed at beginning and intermediate players. Our goal here is to recommend dependable choices among the many good ones available. The plethora of material can quickly overwhelm a new coach or club director. These resources are aimed at the entire range of audiences, from beginners trying to learn the game, teachers and coaches trying to prepare themselves to teach chess to their students, and advanced players focusing on specific topics to continually improve. There are also hundreds of standalone software programs, videos and websites offering chess instruction. There are more than 30,000 chess books in circulation, offering a vast supply of learning material.
Our recommendations: Books and written material New in 2015: ICA and Chicago Chess Foundation Team Up on Free Tools for Coaches Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess Books by Bruce Pandolfini Books by Jeremy Silman Chess! Lessons from a Grandmaster by Yury Shulman and Seth Rishi Comprehensive Chess Course Volumes 1 & 2 Chess Training Program for Beginners by Susan Polgar Highland Park Curriculum for Beginners and Intermediates Chess Tactics for Students by John Bain Logical Chess Move by Move by Irving Chernev How to Beat Your Dad at Chess by Murray Chandler Dan Heisman’s books, “Novice Nook” columns and videos Our recommendations: Online learning Learn to Play Chess ChessKids Academy 3. Our recommendations: Standalone software Chessmaster Think Like a King Comparing Chessmaster and TLAK Chess Tactics for Beginners For Little Ones: “Learn to Play Chess with Fritz and Chesster” 2. Handheld gaming devices, iPads, iPhones, and so on Cost 1. Contents Introduction and general considerations Settings for learning Computer-assisted group instruction Coaches and coaching Tutors, camps, etc.